Title: Heat Fandom: Naruto Characters: Sasuke (Naruto/Sasuke) Prompt: 063. Summer. Word Count: 252 Rating: G Summary: You look a little bit older, a little bit colder Author's Notes:
Title: Colored Fandom: Naruto Characters: Sasuke (Itachi, Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi) Prompt: 012. Orange. Word Count: 100 Rating: G Summary: Your name begins with a distinct color Author's Notes:
Title: Lull Fandom: Naruto Characters: Sasuke (Kakashi) Prompt: 072. Fixed. Word Count: 190 Rating: G Summary: You’ve given me the answer Author's Notes:
Title: Empty Room Fandom: Naruto and Harry Potter Characters: Sasuke (Naruto, Sakura, Harry, Ron, Hermione; Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura/Harry/Ron/Hermione Prompt: 076. Who? Word Count: 794 Rating: PG Summary: Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto, Harry, Hermione and Ron and transported to a random, empty room with no apparent way out. Author's Notes: Crack. I
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Title: That Thing Fandom: Naruto and Yuugiou Characters: Sasuke (Seto, Ryuuji, Leon, Mokuba, Siegfried, Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura.) Prompt: 023. Lovers Word Count: 667 Rating: PG Summary: Ryuuji x Seto, where Sasuke has been turned into a toaster thanks to Toaster no Juutsu, and Sakura gave Sasuke-Toaster to Siegfried (they're related because of
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Title:Going to Make Fandom: Naruto Characters: Sasuke (Sakura, Kakashi; KakaSas, SasuSaku) Prompt: 053. Earth. Word Count: 535 Rating: PG-13 Summary: After a spar with Sakura, in which she gets hurt, Sasuke's masochistic tendencies kick in. Luckily, Kakashi intervenes.
Title: Beneath Fandom: Naruto Characters: Sasuke (Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi; all varaions therefor) Prompt: 087. Life. Word Count: 1,611 Rating: R Summary: Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke all have bad missions. Luckily they’ve got each other to count on to help.